Welcome to the general information section
Welcome to the general information section of the web site. Here you can find information on many aspects of Kerry Skin Clinic, including opening hours, appointments, parking and more. Take a look at the sections below, some them you will see have further information that can be accessed by clicking the 'read more' button. If you have any questions or if we can be of assistance please feel to contact us directly.
Opening Hours

Consulations are by appointment only.
Our office hours are:
Monday - Friday : 9am - 6pm
For out of hours emergencies please phone SouthDoc:
1850 335 999

Appointments: we run an appointment-only system for your convenience. This avoids your being unduly delayed in the waiting room. If you need to see any of us in Kerry Skin Clinic, please phone or drop in beforehand to make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. When making your appointment, please give the receptionist a brief description of your problems, so that she can suggest the most appropriate person for you to see, and how long your appointment should be.
Private Patients

Fees are charged according to what procedures are done and the length of time it takes. Ask at reception at reception for further details. All fees payable are tax allowable and some are eligible for reimbursement through VHI, AVIVA or work insurance schemes

2024 Price List - General Dermatology
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2024 Price List - Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Treatment
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2024 Price List - Allergy Testing
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Price List - Download this information as a PDF
Order of Application - Download this information as a PDF
Facility Fees For Surgical Procedures
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Surgical procedures in The Ashe Street Clinic involve the use of expensive specialised equipment. Many of our surgical instruments are used only once and then safely disposed of. Other surgical instruments are put through a three stage sterilising procedure in accordance with the HSE guidelines to ensure complete safety to patients and staff. Suturing materials, glues, dressings and surgical assistant time are also required for most surgical procedures.
Consultation Fees for the Kerry Skin Clinic and Private Health Insurance Cover
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Some insurance companies such as VHI, Laya, Irish Life, Garda Medical Aids and ESB Medical Provident fund may refund some of the consultation fee when you see Dr Buckley in The Kerry Skin Clinic. However, every company has different rules and many different plans. Some companies may refund no amount towards the consultation fee. Other companies may refund 25% or 50% of the consultation fee. Dr Buckley at has no control over how much can be refunded by the private health insurance companies, if any. Some companies may refund a larger proportion of the fee for a consultant dermatologist based in hospitals and may not refund the same amount of the fee for community-based dermatologists, such as, Dr David Buckley who specializes in dermatology and is on the specialist register of The Irish Medical Council. This is unfair, but we do not make the rules.

2 hour street parking discs are available from a street vending machine accross the road from the clinic on Ashe Street. We also recommend the multistore car parks in Edward Street (pedestrian link to Ashe Street via Pound Lane) and the multistorey car park on Maine Street.
If you do your shopping in Dunnes Stores or Lidl, you receive two hours free parking in their carpark. We are in close walking proximity from these two stores.
Chaperone Policy

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We will always respect your privacy, dignity, and your religious and cultural beliefs, particularly when intimate examinations are advisable. These will only be carried out with your express agreement.
If you are seeing the doctor for a mole check, a skin cancer check or a generalized rash, you may have to remove your clothing down to your underwear during the examination.
If you are seeing the doctor or nurse with a problem in your breast, groin or buttock (e.g. smear test, prostate or rectal examination, penis or vaginal problem) you may have to remove your underwear for the examination.
In both these circumstances you may bring a friend or relative with you during the examination (a chaperone).If you are unable to bring someone, you may request that the clinic provide a nurse or another trained staff member to attend with the doctor or nurse during an intimate examination.
In certain circumstances, the doctor or nurse may require a chaperone to join her/him during an intimate examination for your comfort and the safety of both you and the doctor/nurse.
You may request a chaperone when making the appointment or on arrival at the surgery (please let the receptionist know) or at any time during the consultation.